Friday, October 25, 2013

For Bisexuals Passing as Gay

Just a simple poem to get across a difficult fact.

For Bisexuals Passing as Gay

Every day I wave my gay flag high.
Every day I live the same lie.
Every day I wave my gay flag high.
Every day I suppress the urge to cry.
Every day I wave my gay flag high.
Every day I ask myself why.
Every day I wave my gay flag high.
Every day I don’t tell them I’m bi.

I tried to tell them.
They said I was confused.
I tried to tell them.
They just looked bemused.
I tried to tell them.
But I got abused.
I tried to tell them.
But understand, they refused.

They use to think I was straight.
They thought that was really great.
Then I brought home a same-sex date.
They want me to be hetero,
Or at least declare I’m homo,
But my sexuality actually isn't mono.

They told me to be proud,
My gayness shout out loud.
They told me to be proud,
But my true sexuality is not allowed. 


  1. This is a great poem! :D And you should be proud no matter what anyone says! If they don't understand or comprehend, that's their problem not yours. Hopefully one day people will realize that it is possible to be genuinely attracted to both genders.

    1. Thank you. I do think our society is on its way, but often there is a heavier darkness just before the light shines through. We do seem to be having somewhat of a backlash of bi-phobia these days, which may paradoxically be a good sign.

  2. This is a great poem---really captures what it's like to be bi.
